GMC Anantnag doctors successfully perform challenging neck tumour removal surgery

The doctors at Department of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) of Govt Medical College (GMC) Anantnag have again operated a very challenging highly vascular tumour case, a statement by the Institute said on Wednesday.

A 40 year old woman reported to ENT-OPD  of Associated Hospital of GMC Anantnag 2 weeks back with history of  pulsatile swelling on left side of neck for more than one year duration.

The patient was evaluated and Ultrasound Neck was performed at Dept of Radiology which suggested “Carotid body tumour” , a very high vascular paraganglioma arising from carotid body between major blood vessels of neck. MRI neck with MR angiography was done to confirm the diagnosis and patient was categorised as “Shamblin II Carotid Body Tumour” left side neck.

Team of ENT surgeons including Prof  Sajad Majid  Qazi, Dr  Aamir Yousuf (Assoc Prof) and CVTS Surgeons, Dr M Amin and Dr Khurshid Ahmad of Dept of Surgery operated upon the patient  successfully on 4th July 2023. Anaesthesia team was  headed by Prof Imtiyaz Naqash and dynamic anesthetist Dr Zaffar Malik  and among others.

It is Pertinent to mention here that MRI scans were well explained by Radiologists including Dr Saiqa Shafi (Assoc Prof) and Dr Owais H Dar (Sr consultant) of Dept of Radiology GMC Anantnag. Operation Theatre staff is always doing wonderful job while such cases are being Operated in the hospital.

The surgery was completed with minimal loss of blood, requiring no blood transfusion. Post Operative patient is doing very well and is being monitored in ICU.

Multidisciplinary case management particularly in oncology field is currently being practiced at GMC Anantnag for better treatment outcome and providing tertiary care treatment to General public at their door steps.

It is pertinent to mention here that ENT department, GMC Anantnag is doing all Head and Neck cases and operating a case of  “Carotid Body Tumor” was done first time in any peripheral hospitals of the Union Territory.

ENT department is thankful  to principal GMC Anantnag, Prof (Dr) Tariq Syed Qureshi and Medical Superintendent, Dr Aubid Malik for their encouragement and providing logistics to take up such challenging cases for surgery.