12th class Students express dismay against JKBOSE after postponed exam

Aman Zutshi

Scores of 12th class Students expressed dismay against the region’s education board JKBOSE responsible for conducting exams fairly and smoothly, when the latter displayed negligence in conducting paper of ‘Physical education’ subject after students wrongly got 11th class paper in exam centres instead of their standard on Wednesday.

The 12th standard students of summer zone jammu were left startled and disappointed when they appeared today for their ‘Physical Education’ paper in exam centres across the city, after receiving 11 standard class paper to attempt instead of their respective class they appeared for.

A 12th class student who appeared for the exam, told media, “The teachers in the exam centre distributed us 11th class paper and apprised to attempt it as nothing will happen and said they will give us grace marks. What we can do with an 11th class paper. They said just write anything in the exam sheet. How we can get positions with grace marks”.

“How we can give paper of our earlier class just like that as a revision is needed to attempt any exam. Our paper is postpone now”, she added.

Another 12th class girl student added, “For the first 15 minutes after our paper started they didn’t even informed us about the negligence of JKBOSE, then later they returned the papers saying we haven’t received any confirmation from the board and told us to attempt it. We were in so much stress whether to attempt the paper or not”.

“The teachers told us to write the answer of questions which we can but as we began writing, the teachers told us to stop as decision has been made to reschedule the exam”, another girl student apprised.