How to be the  main character of your life ?

How to be the  main character of your  life ?

– Gracy Anand


Are you really the main character of your life  or a people pleaser ?

Well if you are the second one , then you are absolutely not living your life .


“Main character energy”, “main character aesthetic”, and “how to be the main character of your life” are now popular trends and searches everywhere.

As soon as I began thinking about it, I knew I needed to write about it. I have never phrased it this way before, but living like the main character in your life has been something that I’ve spent a lot of time dwelling on. Its really amazing and the best feeling you will get- To be you

The whole life is yours , so you should take up the main lead not someone else . They are just supporting characters .

Look ,  Life is not a bed full of roses and even if it was, the sharp thorns will always be there to prick your skin. Most of us individuals often forget that this is our life, and we have full control over it. We are the main characters of our own story and we shouldn’t let someone else take the spotlight.




So without further ado , Lets come to the main thing- how to be main character of your life ?


  1. Live with purpose – The first step to some major main character energy is to live with As the main character of your life, one of the worst possible things you can do is to let it pass you by. As the main character of your life, the goals, desires, and accomplishments you hope to see happen are up to you to work towards.


  1. Start adoring yourself – Try to figure out more and more about yourself like – what you like , want etc.. Start loving yourself , have positive self talk daily to lift yourself up .


  1. Cut off toxic people – Some people do make you feel insecure , so cut them off from your life . They are just lowering your positive energy .


  1. Stop Listening to negativity – People will try to make you anxious and judge you , but that’s the time to show your confidence and be positive about yourself .


  1. Past is past – Stop carrying bag of past events and burn them . Its time for you to shine and start afresh .

You are worthy and powerful . Never let people become the main lead of your life .


  1. Never give up -Just like a movie always ends, so do bad days. Bad days will end and the good days will arrive, and you must not give up. Don’t give up on yourself.


If something isn’t working out, try an alternative. You are so much stronger than you think you are. When life gets overwhelming, it feels almost easy and natural to give up.

However, that won’t benefit you or make you feel better. You are gifted, regardless of what others tell you. Allow yourself to fall apart and then get right back up. You need yourself.




We all have both good days and bad days. However, it is important to remember that it is your life and you are allowed to turn it around by doing what’s best for you. Needless to say, we aren’t in control of the things that happen to us, but for sure, we can try to change our attitude towards them in order to live the most amazing life ever.


Its okay to have bad days even .

Take up the lead role in your life now !

Never let your shine tarnished !