– Gracy Anand

Have you been called beautiful from people because of your mind  or behavior towards them ?
Rarely right !?

Often people call things beautiful which have attractive and good physical appearance , and overlook the things which demonstrate inner beauty like – kindness, love , care etc..

Become charismatic   from inside and rock the world .


There’s one  friend of mine , she has dark complexion and everyone around her says that she’s unattractive and not pretty, but as a friend I know that she  is generous  .

Nowadays , meaning of beauty has totally changed .

People prefer physical appearance rather than their nature  .



Lets discuss more about this below-

However, one definition of beauty highlights “the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.” Beauty is much more than physical, and beauty — both inside and out — is highly unique and individual to the beholder. There are many effective ways to find your own beauty and strengthen your self-esteem.


The well-used phrase, “It’s what’s on the inside that counts,” is a simple way of understanding inner beauty. You might think of it in this way: “What is it that can’t be seen in a person’s outward appearance that you find beautiful?”

Some people may struggle with identifying those unseen qualities within themselves, but with care and helpful tips, you can find your inner beauty and feel better and more confident.

                                   2.  Get to know more about yourself

Getting to know yourself better may help you find your inner beauty. By rediscovering yourself and exploring who you are, you may discover beauty and strengths within yourself. You may also find ways to develop qualities that you consider beautiful and would like to embody internally.




Understand that’s its not good to compare yourself with others, your mind creates negative impacts and lowers your confidence , instead take it in positive sense .Learn from people.


                                                4.Love Who You Are

Despite what many believe, loving yourself is not vain. If you’re not feeling the love for yourself or you’re having trouble recognizing your inner beauty, you might try imagining what someone who cares about you would say about your strengths. Or you might even try asking them! You could even try writing a letter to yourself focusing on your positives.



Now apart from this , we all get attracted towards things which look beautiful physically , that’s perfectly normal as its our human nature but we should at least not neglect inner beauty .


My friend  asked for help regarding her complexion ,   and I told her that  she should work on her personality , confidence , communication skills etc.

And really after few months when I saw her , she was totally new person .

Well groomed and confident.

Astonishing right !

 So ,  in the same  way you should start working on these skills instead of cribbing .

Have jaw dropping personality and amaze everyone  .

Start now !

It is normal to feel down about our appearance, capabilities, and self-worth every once in a while. When these feelings are persistent, however, or interfere with your ability to function or sustain nurturing relationships, that is a sign that your self-esteem is in need of boosting.



“Physical appearance can do nothing but only satisfy physical needs , whereas a real substance i.e inner beauty satisfies minds, soul and hearts .”


Don’t fret if people call u ugly , its just that they are not that mature enough to know ur beauty and worth .

Never let your shine get tarnished !