Two Fake Police Officers: In a shocking turn of events, two fake police officers named Karniv Singh alias Ravinder Pratap Singh son of Atal Sharma from Ludhiana and Ravinder Singh son of late Lakhwir Singh from Ferozpur, Punjab were arrested by the JK Police last night. The two impostors posing as DySPs were seen strolling in parks and adjacent areas of Srinagar. They were being continuously monitored by the police officials of Ram Munshi Bagh Police Station as an F.I.R was lodged against them. They were caught by the police when they were walking in Nehru Park near Dal Lake. Both fraudsters were also possessing a fortuner car, having a vehicle registration plate of Punjab.
Two Fake Police Officers: It is to be noted that the same incident had taken place in the valley last year, when a conman from Gujarat posing as a high rank official from the Ministry of Home Affairs had enjoyed the security protocol of J&K but was later arrested by the JK police.
With outsiders faking their identity in the valley, the security of Jammu and Kashmir is being at stake. Preventive measures should be taken by citizens, including informing the cyber police if any suspicion arises due to unusual activity around.