Eight year old Kupwara girl shared video with the JK Newspoint: In a bid to bring to light the dilapidated state of roads in her region, the eight year old girl named Shafia shared a dismal video with the JK Newspoint. The video garnering scores of views on Facebook showcases the appalling civic issues of Chowkibal Zunarashi region of Kupwara district where the derelict condition of road not only looks incongruous with the surrounding beauty of the valley, bringing down its image as a tourist site, but also prohibits functioning of vehicles rendering the locals to walk on foot, and even that too with difficulty for several kilometres. In fact, the rock filled muddy road is without any pavement for commoners to walk on. Such is the condition of the uneven asphalt missing muddy road, that there are potholes and rifts in it everywhere, and wrappers have been thrown in it as if to fill the hollow voids while the stream of water is flowing along the other side, displaying the poorly maintained drainage system of the region.
Eight year old Kupwara girl shared video with the JK Newspoint
Highlighting the above issues through her video, the small girl interacted with a local to bring in focus the difficulties faced by commoners around. And while depicting the problems faced, the person revealed how his cousin lost his son due to the unsafe journey through the hazardous road that has been paid no heed for the past twenty years. Appealing to the government for constructing the road in her region, the small girl requested the authority and the officer concerned to pay attention to their pleas as soon as possible.