ASCOMS Celebrates World ORS Day – 2023

Jammu, July 29
World ORS Day 2023 was celebrated in the Department of Paediatrics, Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences & Hospital in association with Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) under the guidance of Dr. Ravinder K Gupta, Prof & Head and Dr. Sushil Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics. Dr. Amarjeet Singh Bhatia, Princpal, Govt. Medical College, Rajouri & Controller, J&K Paramedical Council was the Chief Guest on the occasion. A Symposium on benefits of ORS was organized in which Aradhya Gupta, Akash Gupta, Mudit Sharma and Aradita Manhas presented the symposium enumerating various aspects of Oral Dehydration Therapy. Dr. Harshvardhan, PG, Department of Paediatric gave an account of frequently asked questions about ORT, while as, Dr. Anirudh Gupta and Dr. Harshvardhan gave demonstration on “How to prepare home based ORS as well as readymade ORS available in the market”. A Nukkad Natak directed by Prof (Dr.) Indra Moza, Principal, ASCCON Education was presented by the students of Nursing Institute and College highlighting the awareness about the ORS among Rural population residing in far flung areas.
Dr. Ravinder K Gupta, while speaking on the occasion discussed the need regarding awareness of benefits of ORS to public at large and described the Oral Rehydration Solution as one of the modalities in saving precious lives. Dr. Pavan Malhotra, Director Principal, while addressing the gathering appreciated the presentation made by the Undergraduate as well as Postgraduate students. Dr. Amarjeet Singh Bhatia, the Chief Guest while addressing the gathering congratulated the organizers for including the Undergraduate students in this important academic activity.
He also appreciated the students of Nursing Institute, Paramedical and Nursing College who presented the Nukkad Natak on awareness about benefits of ORS. The programme was conducted by Dr. Shreya and all the participants were felicitated by the Chief Guest.