MP Khatana urges LG for protection work in Khandwal area

Jammu, July 30
BJP MP Rajya Sabha Er. Gulam Ali Khatana today urged LG J&K Sh. Manoj Sinha to immediately intervene and save the people of villages khandwal, Barjala, Nandwal, Lalyal and adjoining village from fury of floods.
After listening to the woes of a delegation of people of village Khandwal, Barjala, Nandwal, Lalyal and adjoining villages MP Gulam Ali wrote to LG manoj Sinha for immediate measures and long term plan for protection of the people and their assets. He said that people have approached me and narrated their tale of woes of damage to their properties, agriculture land, cattle etc. due to flash floods and impending danger of floods. The delegation comprised of Smt. Geetu Aulakh, member DDC, Mandal Phallain, Jammu and prominent citizens and religious leaders of the area.
The delegation informed that due to shifting of flow of water from main Tawi river to Nikki Tawi, the flood situation has further aggravated for last couple of years.
MP Gulam Ali requested LG Manoj Sinha for immediate measures to be taken for the protection of the areas mentioned and concerned officials may also be directed for long term project to save the inhabitants, agricultural lands and houses in the villages.