Congress Seva Dal opposes the installation of smart meters in J&K

Jammu, July 30
Congress Seva Dal President Vijay Sharma Babbi said that Jammu Kashmir government is going to put additional burden on the people of j&k in the form of smart meters. People’s income has already decreased due to the wrong policies of the government, Corona epidemic, economic recession, inflation and unemployment, now the government is going to increase their problem with huge electricity bills. The Jammu and Kashmir government had claimed a few years ago that there would be no power cuts in the areas where meters would be installed, as a result of which people’s bills started increasing but the power cuts did not reduce. Now the government has adopted a new trick of installing smart meters. Those whose bills now come to Rs 400 to 500, their bills will go into thousands of rupees. This is happening in a state where there are more than 2 dozen hydroelectric projects. The government sells the electricity generated in Jammu and Kashmir to outside states. In fact, the local people should have the first right on the resources of the state. Vijay Sharma said that the Congress never harassed the poor and the common man during its rule. Made many schemes for the upliftment of the poor man, gave subsidy to the people, brought them out of poverty, but on the contrary, the BJP government cut the pockets of the poor people and filled the houses of the rich. Now the people of the country have come to know the reality of the BJP government very well and have decided to hand over the reins of the country to the Congress party in the coming elections.